Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
About Quakers
Quakers, also called Friends, are members of the Religious Society of Friends, a Christian denomination that began in 17th century England in the aftermath of the Protestant Reformation. At the time, a period of religious turmoil, Quakers were often persecuted for their beliefs, which were critical of the established churches of the time. The persecution continued when Quakers immigrated to America.
George Fox, who founded the Religious Society of Friends, was seeking the Christianity described in the New Testament’s Book of Acts. He called for a radical, Spirit-filled Christianity that recognized the equality of all people, regardless of race, sex or class, as children of God. He believed that anyone could have an authentic relationship with God without the mediation of a priest or other minister. His early beliefs form Quakers’ spiritual foundation today.
Today, there are several branches of Quakerism. Quakers are often an active, involved faith-based community. While we do not have a doctrine or creeds, we live by spiritual testimonies, including pacifism, equality, integrity, and simplicity. The testimonies have evolved over time, and have grown to include others, such as stewardship of our planet. The basis for much of Quakers’ faith foundation is the belief that there is that of God in everyone.
Quaker Library
We have a small library of books on a wide range of spiritual topics, including Quaker faith and practice. Books may be borrowed for a short time.
For more information about Quakers, click on the links below:
Friends General Conference
New York Yearly Meeting
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
Quaker Finder