
“I was pleased to have had Mary on my campaign committee for Pitt County District Court Judge in 2018. Her writing skills and public relations knowledge helped me communicate effectively with voters. I found Mary easy to work with, very creative, and accessible when I needed her to jump in to help me craft my message. Because of her hard work, Mary became an integral part of my campaign. I can only hope she will help me again.”

District Court Judge

Mary Kay is a versatile, accomplished writer on a wide range of topics. She has a sense for what an audience will respond to, and is fluent in many different styles. She is also an adept editor and proofreader, skilled in working with authors to strengthen their message in their unique voice.

The written word is more than communication. It is a gift to us, a way that we connect with each other in community. In these times when we are inundated with things written, I seek ways of writing that keep this connection through words vital and vibrant.

Her experience includes writing for network news affiliates as a news producer. In that position, she also edited the writing of reporters and worked with them to shape their stories. In addition, she has worked in public relations for the Susan B. Anthony House as well as in the fields of tourism, healthcare, and K-12 education. She has written newsletters, video scripts, news releases, web content and articles for trade publications, and has also published essays on spirituality. She taught a class on business communication for Rochester Institute of Technology.

Published Writing


Invitation to Quaker Eldering
On Being Faithful to the Ministry of Spiritual Nurture Among Friends
by Elaine Emily and Mary Kay Glazer

Madison Magazine

The 2017 Best Places to Work
September 2017

Madison: A popular Airbnb destination
April 2017

State of Schools Report
February 2017

The M List 2016: Mentors and Teachers
November 2016

Best Places to Work profiles
October 2016 issue

What Forms You?

Spark: The Newsletter of New York Yearly Meeting
November, 2015
A reflection on spiritual formation for Quakers

Elders Among Us
Friends Journal: Quaker Thought and Life Today
August 1, 2011
An introduction to how elders are present among Quakers

Jesus: What Does He Matter?
Friends Journal: Quaker Thought and Life Today
May 1, 2008
An essay exploring how today’s Quakers might engage with Jesus

Ambivalence and Resistance to God
What Canst Thou Say: Friends – Mystical Experience – Contemplative Practice
February 1, 2008
An exploration of resistance in our relationship with God

Singing a New Song
What Canst Thou Say: Friends – Mystical Experience – Contemplative Practice
February 1, 2008
A personal reflection on the role of music in spiritual life; this essay is included in an anthology of What Canst Thou Say essays, Intimacy with God: Real Life Stories from What Canst Thou Say, published April 2015, Mariellen Gilpin, Earl Smith, and Judy Lumb, Editors. Caye Caulker, Belize: Producciones de la Hamaca. 

Edited publications

Way to Water: A Theopoetics Primer

Spiritual Accompaniment: An Experience of Two Friends Traveling in the Ministry

“I was blessed to have Mary Kay’s gifts of editing and proofreading called into rightful service as she accompanied Elaine and me in the journey of creating the Pendle Hill Pamphlet Spiritual Accompaniment. Mary Kay clearly and sensitively offered suggestions, corrections and gentle guidance, helping to make this manuscript a more focused piece. I am grateful for this very tangible example of spiritual accompaniment by way of gifts of editing and proofreading.”

Cathy Walling, Co-Author
Spiritual Accompaniment: An Experience of
Two Friends Traveling in the Ministry

“I am not a writer, so Mary Kay enabled me to use this medium in a productive way.”

Elaine Emily, Co-Author
Spiritual Accompaniment: An Experience of
Two Friends Traveling in the Ministry

To learn more, click here to send an email to Mary Kay.