
Spiritual retreats are precious times away from the ordinary rhythms of life in which you can prayerfully reflect on your relationship with God, your family, your neighbor, and the global community. The desire for times of retreat is surely the movement of the Holy Spirit within you, calling you deeper into relationship with God. 

You may know others who share your longings. If your faith community – or a small group from your community – is thirsty for a long drink at the well of the Spirit, please consider a retreat, religious education, or spiritual direction.

In all that I offer, it is my joy and honor to serve BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and military individuals and families.


Are you living with integrity?

Are you living faithfully?

Is your relationship with God life-giving?


There are many fruitful topics for retreats. Some possibilities are: prayer, spiritual disciplines, theology and faith, forgiveness, faith in action, however the Spirit leads.

A retreat might be held at a retreat center, a church or community building, or even a spacious home. The size of the group can vary from a few people to a large group of thirty or more. Costs of a retreat vary, so we will work out the specifics together.

Retreats can be customized to your group’s interests, desires, and the Holy Spirit’s leading.

 To learn more, click here to send an email to Mary Kay.

I got so still and could hear Spirit’s nudges. Thank you, Mary Kay, for setting the environment so intentionally, for your willingness to go with what was needed in the moment, for your love and joy.

— retreat participant

A Sampling of Retreats



Living a Life of Prayer



This retreat is for those who long to pray without ceasing (1 Thes 5:17).

As we come together in this contemplative time, we will hold our longing for deeper communion with the Divine Creator. We will open ourselves to the prayer that is deep within us, to the prayer that surrounds us, to the prayer that is in the very air that we breathe.

In the Potter’s Hand



The metaphor of the potter and clay is a powerful one in the bible.

For example, in Isaiah 64:8, we read: “Yet, O Lord, you are our Father; 
we are the clay, and you are our potter;
 we are all the work of your hand.” And 2 Corinthians 4:7: “But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us.” In this retreat, we will explore what it means to be formed by God into God’s image.

Spiritual Disciplines: Soul Habits



Spiritual disciplines are the habits that can open us more fully to the gift of God’s grace.

We will explore the “what” and “why” of disciplines, how God uses them to form us, and how they help us live with integrity. This retreat is for those who want to discover how spiritual disciplines might free them to live more faithfully.


Holy Resistance, Sacred Surrender



Our faith journey includes not just surrender, but also resistance.

A common belief is that we are called to surrender to God’s will and that our resistance is an obstacle to overcome. In this retreat, we look at some scripture passages and other writings as we consider whether that is true. What if resistance is as much our call as surrender? What if hanging on is as pivotal as letting go? These queries and others will help us comb through the interplay of surrender, resistance and our relationship with the Divine.

Quaker Couple Enrichment Retreats



My husband Mark Moss and I offer experiential couples retreats where couples in stable, committed relationships can explore and deepen their covenant and grow in intimacy.

In our time together, we learn how the stuff of our relationship is fertile ground for the work of the Spirit.

To learn more about Couple Enrichment, click here.

Other retreat possibilities:



Theology, Faith and the World We Live In

The Spiritual Grounding of Quaker Testimonies

Doing Less as a Spiritual Discipline: Radical Living in a Busy World


To learn more, click here to send an email to Mary Kay.